Summit Consultants

Eritrean private consulting firm dedicated to providing best possible consulting service in the country through direct acquisition of license from the ministries: Ministry of land, Water and Environment and Ministry of Energy and Mines. and actively registered under the ministry of Trade and Industry with Reg. No. ASR00032454 and Lic No. ASL00034240.

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The firm was founded in 2009

and it was primarily set up to provide turnkey water supply consultancy services. Through time the services have diversified to other fields including, Geotechnical, geological, geophysical studies and project management works. The firm further teams up with international and local competent companies to provide state of the art services and products. Our services

“Summıt ıs set up to Provıde best possıble servıces to clıents, rewardıng envıronment for employees and bıuld trustable wın-wın relatıon shıp wıth partners.”

Ketema Ghebremeskel Mahari

Founder & CEO

our partner

How can we help




    Raza Building 5 th floor # 03
    Bideho street (Near Shida square )
    P.O.Box 3017
    Asmara Eritrea